Skin Color Measurement
English: “A Venerable Orang-outang”, a caricature of Charles Darwin as an ape published in The Hornet, a satirical magazine Deutsch: Man sieht Darwin als Affen dargestellt, was eine Anspielung auf seine Evolutionstheorie sein soll. Seiner Meinung nach entwickelten sich die Menschen aus den Affen, was damals eine völlig neue Vorstellung war. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Today I read an interesting article about the evolutionary significance of colour vision. (Why am I getting into evolution so much? Darwin’s ghost is haunting me!) The author believes that colour vision evolved to sense oxygenation modulations in the hemoglobin under the skin. Interesting theory indeed.
I (We) have been working on an algorithm to measure skin colour for some time. Accurate skin colour measurement may be a useful tool in cosmetic dermatology though it may test the claims of many fairness cream manufacturers! The algorithm is far from perfect.
Want to test it? Click here or the banner below to access it. Be warned!! Use it at your own risk and do not upload any pictures that you don’t want me to see.
BTW are you ready to test the next fairness cream?