Category Archives: Cosmetics

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The male psychology

How to market a cosmetic product or service to men? From my experience women tend to notice new products in the market more than men. It may be easier to reach men through their partner because of this. Gift coupons might work as a significant proportion of men’s cosmeceuticals are gifted by their female partner. However the purchase of personal care products is borne out of necessity in men. Men give more importance to price and endorsements. It is vital to give a convincing explanation of how a product works. Men do not have preconceived ideas about what they require to improve their looks. They are more open to suggestions. Men do not compete with each other as far as looks are concerned. They just want to be different. Men generally come with their partners for consultation and consider them experts while women usually hide cosmetic services from their male partners. Tired looks is a common male complaint. The most common male concerns are hairloss and body odour.

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Skin Color Measurement

Category : Cosmetics , Evolution

English: "A Venerable Orang-outang",...
English: “A Venerable Orang-outang”, a caricature of Charles Darwin as an ape published in The Hornet, a satirical magazine Deutsch: Man sieht Darwin als Affen dargestellt, was eine Anspielung auf seine Evolutionstheorie sein soll. Seiner Meinung nach entwickelten sich die Menschen aus den Affen, was damals eine völlig neue Vorstellung war. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today I read an interesting article about the evolutionary significance of colour vision. (Why am I getting into evolution so much? Darwin’s ghost is haunting me!) The author believes that colour vision evolved to sense oxygenation modulations in the hemoglobin under the skin. Interesting theory indeed.

I (We) have been working on an algorithm to measure skin colour for some time. Accurate skin colour measurement may be a useful tool in cosmetic dermatology though it may test the claims of many fairness cream manufacturers! The algorithm is far from perfect.

Want to test it? Click here or the banner below to access it. Be warned!! Use it at your own risk and do not upload any pictures that you don’t want me to see.

BTW are you ready to test the next fairness cream?

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Not Fair!

Cosmetics (Photo credit: My Sight, as You See.)

Should the cosmetic industry be regulated? Cosmetic industry historically is either not regulated or the regulations are minimal and ineffectual in most parts of the world. A topical pharmaceutical product takes years to reach the market after stringent safety and efficacy tests on humans and animal models. Still pharmaceutical products cannot advertise while the cosmetic industry can make horrendous claims like 2 shades lighter skin and “get your hair back in 15 days”!

English: Sun Spray, Nature Cosmetic, Sun Spray...
English: Sun Spray, Nature Cosmetic, Sun Spray from Germany Deutsch: Sonnenspray, Naturkosmetik, Deutsches Sonneschutzmittel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ironically most consumers believe that cosmetic products have to substantiate their safety and efficacy to regulatory bodies before they make these claims. But the fact of the matter is, you can get away with normal clay packed in an attractive bottle as a fairness cream. If you have a good advertising team, you can make money too. Some claim “medical” benefits and call themselves cosmeceuticals!

Pharmaceutical products go through pre-clinical Phase I testing on animal models and clinical Phase II and Phase III testing to establish its pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile. Further monitoring and testing is done in Phase IV for which the gold standard is Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT). RCT is used to compare the product to placebo or the existing standard treatment. Though there is some merit in the argument that Phase I-III tests may not be required for cosmetics as only “products generally considered safe” are used in the manufacturing process, evidence collected through an appropriately conducted RCT is imperative to substantiate any advertisement claims that cosmetic manufacturers make. Manufacturers may not follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) too.

It is high time for fairness creams to play fair!

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Glycolic Paradox

Paraben paradox is a phenomenon described by Fisher in 1973. A paraben-sensitive persons, who react to parabens on patch testing and develop a dermatitis when paraben-containing products are used on compromised skin, may continue to use paraben-containing products on other areas of the body that have intact uninvolved skin, without any adverse reactions.

General chemical structure of a paraben (a par...

Paraben(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Recently I observed a similar phenomenon with Glycolic Acid. This patient is taking Glycolic Peels for acne scars. She did not develop any reaction during the patch testing or the first session. However she developed this reaction on the neck after her second session after 2-3 days.